every line of a long moment

Roddy Woomble - My Secret is my Silence
This is an album for people who live at the edges of the land - who hear messages on the sea breezes. People who are at home among the driftwood - sitting wondering where all the pebbles came from, and where they will eventually go to.
And happy as you may be, to just sit and be still, he wants to take you for a walk. He wants to talk in riddles that circle as they serve their purpose. He wants you to think about the magic of names and words, and the letters that dance together to make them. All the little things that combine into parts and wholes.
I once wrote -
These trees look down –
beacons of wisdom
in our drunken darkness.
Carving questions in their bark
a leaf for every answer.
And this album is such a tree. And these are songs of filemot days - endings that have to end, if only to allow for what comes next. And when all our autumns have fallen to the floor, we will be left to gaze at the shadows of where these trees once stood.