in your darkest hour I'll be there for you

I haven’t spent much time with Ted Bundy since the late 80’s. I haven’t looked at pictures of him since I saw him shaved and fried and laid out on the slab. Until a recent documentary reintroduced me to my old friend.
Through this I heard how, the night before his execution, he met with an eminent christian and accused pornography of leading him astray.
How convenient - for both Bundy and america. That both should have a reason, an explanation, an excuse. A path which could lead this educated, handsome and charming man to the pastime of bludgeoning, strangulation and mutilation of over 30 people.
How much safer we can sleep at night if we know that as long as we steer clear of those sweaty images we wont be tempted to pick up the unidentified blunt instrument.
How much nicer than wondering if there could be a little dark spark flickering inside any of us, just waiting for someone or something to fan it into life.
I think it was the child psychologist, I forget his name, but he wrote some manuals that were good in their day. I think Bundy lead him a merry dance. If so, he deserved it. Perhaps forgiveness is available to Bundy, but it's inappropriate- I think- for eminent psychologists to go courting Bundy's life in the new world when there's alot more they could be doing elsewhere.
I'd rather not see Bundy again, thanks.
James Dobson. My respect for him plummeted when I heard about this.
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